Thursday, May 27, 2021

Examine Examiners

Someone at the SAAQ is raking in the dough. I mean they are pulling in seriously big bucks.

There is no other possible explanation.

I wish there were another explanation, but no other is humanly possible.


I have absolutely no other choice but to conclude examiners at the Quebec automobile insurance board are taking money under the table. There’s no other way to explain the incredible number of blatantly moronic drivers currently on the road.


Obviously, examiners can recognize the stupid people from the dunce caps they sport.


These are drivers who couldn’t possibly pass a driver’s test without a juicy payoff to the examiner.


I don’t know whether it’s one SAAQ examiner in particular who is granting idiots their driving permits, or the whole team of examiners.


The stupidity is rampant.


Driving around the neighborhood, when there is a car behind me, it is, inevitably, tailgating.


When there is a car in front of me, it’s crawling along far below the posted speed limit.


It never fails. It’s as if this truth has become a newly implemented law of nature and I was not notified because the people who manage the Laws of Nature knew how infuriated I would be.


The force of gravity accelerates at 9.8m/sec2 and drivers behind me tailgate obnoxiously, while drivers in front of me crawl.


The lane hogs continue to litter highways, refusing to move from the passing lane to let others get by. The jerks who are unable to flick a blinker wand are everywhere and the cops are nowhere, as louts roll through stop signs, crosswalks and red lights.


I fear my sanity is at stake.

I go pick up a pizza. All the way to the pizza place, the driver in front of me crawls, while the imbecile behind me, tailgates. All the way back from the pizza place, the vehicle behind me tailgates while the driver in front crawls, 20 km/hr under the posted speed limit. 


Is it deliberate? Are they oblivious? Is it a combination of both?

Why am I obliged to drive at the same irritatingly slow speed as some clueless nitwit? 

I have no choice. I am forced to take action and I am no longer responsible for the action I take.


It is the examiners, clinking their stemware drinking glasses and flaunting their ill-gained fortunes on a yacht in the Mediterranean, who are responsible.


Stop the payoffs, you simply must let the idiots walk instead of authorizing them to sit behind a wheel!


I tell you, it’s time to examine the examiners.