What the hell?
Francois will not be getting my vote, not that he ever had it to begin with.
The curfew is wrong. Requiring a third shot on your vaccination passport is wrong.
How can you justify removing the rights of people who are double vaccinated? They no longer have the right to be outside after 10 p.m. even though they did exactly as you recommended and got vaccinated? Twice.
Why did we listen to you idiots?
We got vaccinated twice and what do we have to show for it? House arrest. We are confined to our homes from 10 at night until 5 in the morning.
Oh shutup! |
The arbitrary stupidity continues and, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to be led by droning Legault and his inept cronies.
You cannot keep banging people on the head with your arbitrary, inconsistent, unscientific rules.
So, omicron is the latest worry but, wait, it’s not really a worry because it’s a run-of-the-mill cold, or flu. Well, if it’s a run-of-the-mill cold, or flu, leave people alone.
Pfizer says its omicron vaccine will be ready in March. Well then, why wouldn’t I wait for Pfizer’s omicron vaccine if that’s the latest issue, even though the symptoms that come with the omicron variant, we are repeatedly told, are not really an issue?
What the hell?
You had it? You haven’t had it? You had it but showed no symptoms? You had symptoms but tested negative?
Self-isolate for 10 days, 7 days, 5 days, wait, you work in health care, no need to self-isolate, get back to work.
What the hell?
I know who I’d like to see self-isolate.
Get your act together and stop acting.