Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Optional Octagon




Please, is there someone out there willing and able to enforce stop signs?


It appears I am the only person on the face of the Earth who obeys these red octagons by coming to a complete stop.


Even most police cars I see, tend to roll through.

While walking our dogs, I am compelled to yell at drivers who don’t even slow down; they just drive right through stop signs as though the posted octagon is purely optional.


Behind the wheel is another story entirely.


The way I learned it, when two vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time, the vehicle that makes a complete stop first, has the right of way and can leave first. That’s what I expect to happen and it $%#@&* never does.


Thoroughly infuriating.


As a result, when behind the wheel, I am compelled to honk my horn at drivers who don’t do a full stop. 


That has led to road rage behavior by drivers I honk at, which is messed up.


I am convinced that if some diligent police jurisdiction enforced stop signs and collected fines from drivers, we would be able to rid ourselves of municipal taxes and, just a few short weeks later, income tax.


Should I simply wallow in my learned helplessness and, as a rule, start doing American stops?


If you can’t beat them, join them?


Hey, you jerks out there…the red octagon is not optional.


Apparently, enforcing it is.



Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Valueless Quebec Anglo

A few months ago, the city where we live informed us in our bilingual municipal newsletter that it was no longer permitted to communicate with its citizens bilingually.

Our municipal tax bill, which I just received, is no longer bilingual. Even a bilingual explanation and breakdown of our municipal tax bill is no longer permitted.

Regarding our banned official language, no federal political party gives a crap, no provincial political party gives a crap. We are valueless, inconsequential Quebec anglophones, whose causes and rights are of no interest to any political party, or politician.


That Camille Laurin said in 1995, “The English minority belongs to Quebec as much as francophones belong to Quebec”, matters not. 


That then-Parti Quebecois leader Jacques Parizeau said in 1990 Quebec anglophones are as Quebecois as anyone, matters not.


The dollars and cents earned by proud Quebec anglos in their Quebec jobs helped make Quebec what it is today – and yet no one cares.


Mission accomplished?