Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Optional Octagon




Please, is there someone out there willing and able to enforce stop signs?


It appears I am the only person on the face of the Earth who obeys these red octagons by coming to a complete stop.


Even most police cars I see, tend to roll through.

While walking our dogs, I am compelled to yell at drivers who don’t even slow down; they just drive right through stop signs as though the posted octagon is purely optional.


Behind the wheel is another story entirely.


The way I learned it, when two vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time, the vehicle that makes a complete stop first, has the right of way and can leave first. That’s what I expect to happen and it $%#@&* never does.


Thoroughly infuriating.


As a result, when behind the wheel, I am compelled to honk my horn at drivers who don’t do a full stop. 


That has led to road rage behavior by drivers I honk at, which is messed up.


I am convinced that if some diligent police jurisdiction enforced stop signs and collected fines from drivers, we would be able to rid ourselves of municipal taxes and, just a few short weeks later, income tax.


Should I simply wallow in my learned helplessness and, as a rule, start doing American stops?


If you can’t beat them, join them?


Hey, you jerks out there…the red octagon is not optional.


Apparently, enforcing it is.



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