Friday, July 8, 2011

Starch-Free Royalty

I didn’t watch the royal wedding. Weddings alone are a guarantee of nothing. I’ve observed the marriages of plenty of people who’ve appeared far more in love than the royal couple go down in rip-roaring flames! Let’s face it, if the ingredients to a special relationship aren’t there to begin with, no marriage can manage to prolong the inevitable.

That’s another blog entirely.

I, certainly and wholeheartedly, wish the royal couple a relationship that is steadfast and unwavering in its happiness and endurance. The scrutiny they must endure is a royal pain in the butt and it's sure to put their relationship to many a hefty test.

I was far from in a tizzy when the duke and duchess first arrived in Canada to begin their nine-day visit, but within a matter of hours, I was inexplicably tizzy-bound! I surprised myself and must now admit I found their visit enthralling from beginning to end!

On Monday, as he perfected his “waterbirding” technique, I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen as Prince William repeatedly landed the CH124 Sea King on the water at Dalvay by-the-Sea in PEI and then took off again.

I certainly didn’t expect to have access to live pictures of his helicopter lessons, their dragon boat race, their cooking class at ITHQ or William’s barrel toss. What fun! The couple offered us an all-access visit designed to openly share their enjoyment of our land and our people.

In crowds, in kitchens, in museums, in processions, in private conversations with children and veterans, they showed immeasurable poise, class and grace.

It gives those of us who care about being better people something to strive for.

William always seemed interested and sincere; Kate was no less attentive to the countless individual Canadians she met.

Whether in cowboy hats or paddling garb, they were terrific and terrific together! They seemed to reflect the unbridled enthusiasm, exuberance and excitement so generously showered upon them by Canadians from coast to coast.

Typically, Quebec’s goons were the embarassing exception. Will and Kate weren’t here as royalty as much as they were here as people interested in where and how we live. They came with no overt or covert agenda. When Will and Kate begin influencing our political fate, you can start griping, until then, why not be, at the very least, civil.

Today they ended their trip to Canada and left me wiser and slightly more enlightened. It turns out starch-free royalty is downright refreshing!

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